Monday, June 23, 2008

Lazy days of summer

I am just feeling really lazy this week, so I do not have a lot to say. I am even too lazy to do Mel's Show and Tell. How sad is that. Things are just rolling along, though. Not really anything going on. I do have an IF appointment this Thursday. That is about it.

My mother recently got back from the beach, and she sent me an email with the link to the recent NYT article on IF. I think she did read the articles, though some of it must not have sunk in, because she still hit me with the tired old line, "If you adopt, you may get pregnant." I told her that is sort of offensive for women dealing with IF. I emailed her a link to PJ's blog. Hopefully she will look at that and understand a little more. I think the IF stuff sort of freaks her out. I would think she would be more understanding. She says she has friends who have done IVF, and dealt with infertility. She tries. At least she tries. But I still think she does not understand. Sometimes I feel like she ignores whatever does not fit in her reality.

Hubby and I went to a movie this past weekend. I think it has been over a year since we saw a movie in the movie theater. We saw "Iron Man." It is a wonderful movie, and I highly recommend it. Robert Downey, Jr is pretty cute. It made a nice escape from reality for a while.

Maybe I will have more to say tomorrow...


SAHW said...

I think it's hard for our families, mothers especially, b/c our children are part of their dreams too. It can be easier for an outsider to accept our IF, b/c they never dreamed of our kids, but our own parents surely did. My kids would be my parents only grandkids...and I know how much they want them. Sometimes that's really hard for me to think about. So perhaps it's that she has her own dreams for you...and she can't quite accept what's happening.
Hopefully with time, she'll understood more.

annacyclopedia said...

SAHW has totally nailed it here. I know I struggle with this with my own mother - just the sense that she can't get enough distance from her own stuff to really understand where I'm coming from. She's wonderful and supportive, but there's always a strong current of denial that anything is really wrong.

I'm super lazy these days, too - well, actually just with the blog. I don't have much to say but I'm gardening and doing yard stuff and playing with the dog and all kinds of things. Just want to make the most of summer, you know?

Pamela T. said...

Ouch. Seems she was channeling Charlotte from SITC. I hope, in time, your mother realizes that IF is pervasive and not easily "cured" ... sigh. Oh that it were.