I knew he was on the mend when I saw this...
Oscar got up on the bed all by himself. He was very proud of himself. We will see if it happens tonight. I miss having him next to me when I am going to sleep at night. Hubby and I are both grateful he is still with us. I think he is happy to be home.
In other news, I am officially off of orientation at work. Unfortunately that means that I have to work big girl hours. I am scheduled for overtime and a weekend day and call. Unfortunately, my schedule conflicts with both of my doctor's appointments. One of the disadvantages of being in a high demand career is that they always need you to work. I think I am going to have to schedule my GYN exam about a month and a half in advance, just to make sure I can get off to make it. New patients always have to come in by 2:00 PM. That is not fun, especially if you cannot get off of work. For the IF doc, I have to schedule it late in the day, and Hubby may not be able to come with me. He has gotten a lot busier with his practice. On the other hand, it will allow more time for my records from my Richmond RE to get there.
I just have to keep in mind that things will work out the way they should. Now that I know my schedule, I can make appointments I am likely to keep. Patience is not one of my better virtues.
As an owner of a barely operating thyroid I can fully sympathise with your gorgeous dog. So glad to see he is on the mend.
And yes, I get it with the clashes between medical appointments and work. It is incredibly stressful to be trying to juggle all the balls without dropping something.
Visiting from Show and Tell and NCLM.
So glad to hear Oscar is doing well. Animals are so innocent and depend on us so much. Nice to hear he has a loving owner who takes care of him well.
Here from Show and Tell...
Oscar is beautiful!! And he looks like he has missed ruling his kingdom these past few days!
That does suck about your schedule. Where I work, we do our schedule in six-week increments and it is impossibly hard to know what you have planned that far in advance. For example - our newest schedule was just released to start filling out today. What date does it go through? Sept 6!! Holy crap!!
Your dog baby is beautiful. I know how hard it is to deal with a sick doggy. The helpless feeling is awful. Glad he is on the mend.
So glad your dog is feeling better. What a gorgeous creature!
Glad Oscar is better. :)
It must be really tough to have to work around your work schedule to get your appointments in...it would have been really hard if I were teaching right now, trying to cram in so many appointments and procedures from 7-3.
Patience is not one of my better virtues, either. In fact, I said that today, while I was left waiting for hours on end at work today.
I'm so glad your dog is on the mend. I know how scary that can be. They always are so proud of themselves when they make it onto the bed, aren't they?
And don't even get me started on cancelling appointments because of work. I'm always waiting for one of my providers (doctor, dentist, stylist) to fire me, I have to cancel/reschedule so much!
So glad Oscar is okay! He is so cute and looks like King of the House on the bed! nclm
OMG, I am so glad your dog is better...
I hope Oscar is feeling better. We used to have a Great Dane and she was the BEST dog... well, until she got senile and started going to the bathroom in the house. EWWWW!
Glad to hear that your dog is doing so much better. He looks great in the photo. Cheers from NCLM. :o)
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